P-51 Mustangs in the air - The P-51 Mustang Video - "Sketches of Freedom"

Also see:

P-51 Mustangs in the air - The P-51 Mustang Video

* The song is not written by Buckethead. The song is called "Arunjez". Sorry for the error in the text of the video

If anyone got an issue with the usage of this video, do contact me and it will be removed.
The video is in dedication, respect and admiration for all the P-51 Mustang veterans of WW2.

The video is a try to bring this beatiful plane and it' history out to a wide audience on YouTube.
And also an attempt to gain interest in historic aviation and history.

Two friedkin TEAR Twilight Fortress Hurricane Spitfire spitfirepilots.com video show legends Flying low HISTORIC aviation p-51 War World Veterans ww2 Beasley Jim shipley ed mustangs velma miss airshow Mustang